Friday, August 12, 2011

How long does it take to bring my adult children to the United States?

I am a legal permanent resident who will be a citizen when eligible. How long will it take to bring my adult children to the United States as permanent residents? (From the Philippines)

How come..........................…

If shes nice take her as your friend. People probably don't like you or anything like that because of the other girl. It's so rude and mean how people are now and days. People just can't accept people the way they are. Hopefully she does start washing her face though.

Have this chain letter ever worked for anyone?

This is absolutely a scam: Ponzi scheme. It's also illegal and subject to prosecution by the USPS.

Can i apply for job seekers allowance?

i have just finished uni this year (graduation ceremony in july), like many others i cant get a job. am i allowed to claim job seekers allowance? what about housing benefit? im renting above a takeaway and pay directly with cash to the family which i live with (not related to me, i just rent a room), so formal contract as such. i hate this economy, i dont want to do this, but i have no choice! yes i am uk citizen and i have never applied for any other benefits before.

GH: What do you think about this?

At this point it really doesn't matter....what does matter is getting back on track....before this soap gets was a little to if we could get the soaps back that we lost...someone would be a real hero.

I'm going to be homeless in less than a month?

My parents are moving to a different city at the beginning of next month. I have nowhere else to go. I have no job, I'm on job seekers. I'm 20. What the hell should I do. Even if i do get a job before then, I will still not have enough to rent a place. Help please...

What's wrong with a person having these..?

My friend is a very lively and cheerful person, bu she's so pessimistic. Pessimistic not in the way that she gets easily depressed. I'll just tell you what I think of her. In facebook, I still remember who I talked to (my friends are anime role players so basically, I have at least 10 or more friends with similar names but I remember the person whom I had a conversation with) even if the conversation was last year.. She does not. I think she's just not inclined to remember the happenings if it occurred a few weeks to a month ago. I already knew her by name even when we were not close yet in FB, I remember I always see her post that she has fever.. When we became close and even became textmates, every now and then she come down with fever, she's always in and out of the hospital. But she's very lively, like, she said to me one time that her hand bled where the needle was injected coz she moves around the hospital bed a lot because of laughing from our conversation. She texts me and says, "LOL, I'll die soon so I have to be happy." "If you're God, I'll ask you, 'Why did You give me life if I'm just mean to suffer' LOL!" She's pessimist and always tells us she's gonna die soon, but she seems okay with it. She works a lot in school, president of different clubs, school assignments, projects, extra curricular activities. She said was pulled out from her section and placed in a different class, a class of 4 students who have sickness. Accdg to her, she has post traumatic stress that's why she always has fever. One "psychotic" facebook user is verbally torturing her, and us, her friends, were in defense. She says she always cries and always apologizes to us, saying it's her fault we became involved. She easily cries, she's emotional. But as I said, when she's happy, she's really happy and lively. She is somewhat slow, although she can solve riddles (in the form of murder cases). I send her English quotes, she said she doesn't understand coz it's too deep, which I don't believe. She reads Tagalog (our language) poem, she says she doesn't understand, because it's too deep, which again I don't believe. I think she just doesn't want to think seriously. The last time now, a person close to her said my friend had headache, then collapsed. She did collapse before. I don't know, I think she has both physical and psychological problem. I don't think it's Alzheimer's, that's too severe, she's 14. I don't think it's dimentia either. Everybody forgets things sometimes, but I don't know what's the problem with her. Can you please help?

Can I re-sign onto Job Seekers Allowance?

You can see if there is piece meal work in your area for now. I believe that will be a place where they send you out to a work site each morning and you get paid daily, and even might become permanent fixture.

In perfect world, should i be an assassin or a seeker?

i like fighting up close and i like physical fighting more than magic fighting. my friend told me to be an assassin but i dont think i wanna live underwater cuz it doesnt look that fun (i think) and i was thinking of being a seeker cuz of their cool skills and physical fighting but i also dont know if it would be fun. please help. which would be the best choice?

Why do Democrats feel they can tell citizens how to vote?

Smug arrogance. They believe that they alone have wisdom and understanding. "Thinking themselves wise, they have become as fools."

Will i just need to wait? UK answers please?

Yes - you will not lose out. They will give you the same money (one way or another) that you would have got if you had a bank account when you signed on.

Domestic Violence...HELP?

Are the domestic violence laws in Texas only for the physical abuse or does verbal and emotional abuse count, too? Also, what about happenings such as the boyfriend throwing a cell phone against a wall and breaking it, especially if there are kids present. Please. Any information regarding this situation would be most helpful. But please, only serious answers only. There isn't much time, i'm afraid before it turn physical.

What is the safety like for a single young female exploring southern Africa?

If youre blond, blue eyes and young you are at risk, don not go to poverty areas, there is a chance that you will be raped, because 90% of rapes go unpunished there, they would jump at the chance with a young blond, never travel alone.

Is there a way to predict the future of the world? Life simulation?

I know this is a broad question, but couldn't we technically simulate life using patterns from the past and speed it up in order to see the way the world changes and the future? Or at least predict possible happenings? Obviously ANYTHING can happen in the world, but i feel as if we can use our knowledge to narrow things down. We have used History in school to not make the same mistake twice seeing what bad occurrences came from wars and terrorism and what not. But can we use that information to predict the future? I feel if life could be predicted, we could accelerate the development of new ideas. And by simulation I mean is there away using the technology we have now to synthetically create something with a mind of its own? A computer program? A robot? To simulate life this should most-likely be based on a humans brain.

Am i required to register for selective service system even though i am neither an immigrant nor a citizen?

i am neither an immigrant nor an american citizen but i received a letter from the selective service system and asking me to register. i am an adopted son of a retired navy and is residing in japan right now and i am under the status of forces agreement. am i required to do it?

May 21st Prophecy?Should I be worried?

Is the May 21st prediction that Harold Camping true or is he just a false prophet?I am a Christian but I always thought that no one knew the time nor hour of the Rapture.Why is every one else freaking out about this?I keep seeing these real time updates about earthquakes that are occurring now in various places like California and Nevada but they are not of great magnitude.Are these signs or are these regular happenings?

Is it possible to enroll on a course using job seekers to get the discount then start work next day?

Well you can do this to get your �2k for free. But it makes you as bad as someone pretending to have a disability to claim benefits. You clearly know you have a job ect which is not the same as if someone stumbled into your circumstances. You are knowingly defrauding the system. You are stealing this money you are not entitled to from hard working tax paying families. Good on you. Oh and I know a shop that leaves it's back door unlocked and where they keep the takings as I expect that will be of interest to you as well.

Should the millions of young illegal immigrants that were brought here be granted American citizens' rights?

I understand that if brought here as children, educated here, having American friends makes these children feel much more American. I really understand that they want to stay here. The problem is these children through no fault of their own are illegal aliens as are their parents. I do not think these children should have to pay a penalty but I do think that they should have to go back to their home country and apply for legal residency. Their parents should definitely have to pay a penalty that includes any moneys spent on them or their children. Things like medical care, education, and housing assistance. They should of course also have to return to their home country and apply for legal residency. No other country would just allow illegal immigrants to become legal. None. We need to secure our borders. Illegal immigration needs to be brought to a dead stop.

I need help with a situation concerning crystals, energy, and odd habits?

I let my friend borrow a crystal necklace of mine yesterday. It was one that I had worn frequently, and I did not realize how much energy I could have put into it, until my friend called me and spoke to me about some weird happenings since he put on the necklace. He began to describe tingly feelings, ones that I generally get when I'm around the stones, and also started listing off odd habits and behaviors that he claims he does not normally exhibit. I noticed that these habits were actually mine, as if he had picked up traits of my personality. My other friend told me today that this was an unintentional effect of crystal enchantment, or something called "fascination". However, I cannot find any research material on this subject, and I have never heard of something like this happening. If anyone could provide an explanation of the negative and positive effects of this, or send me a link or title of a book that could provide more detailed information? Thanks.

What is a recognition letter for divorce ? my bf needs it in order to honor his divorced in philippines?

Hi! my boyfriend ( a filipino citizen) was divorced already to his ex wife ( a japanese citizen) . They get married in philippines and then moved in japan since his ex wife is a jap citizen, but theyre relationship failed and eventually filed a divorced in japan. It was acknowledge in japan since divorce is legal their. Now, he went home in the philippines, still a filipino citizen. Their divorced in japan dissolves automatically their marriage in phil because of article 26 (law about mixed marriages) but the local court in phil said that in order to be honored it completely, he needs a "recognition letter" from his wife. My question is what is a recognition letter? what does she need to write their? is it only her personal acknowledgement about their divorce or it is a legal document that can be taken in the city hall of japan? thankyou.... we are planning to get married soon and we want his status to be cleared first, legally. I am a US CITIZEN.

Is this Defrauding the Government?

A Friend of mine knows a Family that has 7 Children every Child receives a Check from SSI because they are all labeled as being ADHD, Plus both Parents Recieve SSI because of Physical Disabilities. None of them have ever worked. They get about $6,600 a month. They are always buying new Computers, Cell Phones. These people are getting rich off of Our Taxes. But the Elderly,and Disabled Citizens that have Worked all of their lives can not even get Free Medicine, or Doctor Visits. They have to pay $150 a year before Medicare will cover anything + $100 a Month taken out of their Checks + up to $25 per Prescription. and can not even get Food Stamps. This Sucks

Question for believers of ghostly happenings and stuff?

Ok so my rabbit died a month ago and ever since then I've been hearing weird sounds coming from that room (cloak room with tiny separate toilet area) they are like clanging noises that occurred every day usually around the afternoon and only then and my mum had been having problems so i asked the ghost if that was a warning but i got no answer so i said "stop making the sound if I am right from now on and I'll know" So I haven't heard the sound for a month and then a couple of days ago I was on the toilet and I heard an explosion above my head with a puff of red/orange light which freaked me out, then today, I heard that same clanging sound but even louder as if it was saying "you ignored me!" and then I walked into the room, stood this time in the cloak room part and said "please if there is something wrong with my mother, give me a more obvious sign" and suddenly that same explosion thing happened right above my head, again! so coincidence? I don't think so! should I be worried? what the heck should I do!!!?

About British Passport?

No, you need to apply for residency permit first, this is obtained by showing you are still with your partner/spouse

Can People from Ireland (Irish Citizens) join the US Airforce?

I want to become a fighter pilot but iam from Ireland and wish to immigrate to the United States to become one. But i dont know if you can join if you are not a citizenn.

Moving to Spain, How hard is it?

I am 18 in a month and me and my boyfriend have been together for 3 years now. He moved to spain 6 months ago when he turned 22 to be near his dad who is spanish and once i am 18 i wish to move out there with him . I have been taking spanish lessons for the past two-three years as i have known i will live out there. Anyway what i want to know is how i would go about moving there ? i live at home with my parents and have just finished my a-levels. I would be living with my boyfriend so i wouldn't need to worry about finding a house etc. if it helps we will probably get married in the next year or two also.. I would really apriciate any advice you could give about how i would go about moving :) oh and i have a british passport always have and i'm a british citizen. Thanks x

I want to move to mexico from uk?

This is true, you need to go see or at least write to the Mexican Embassy in London, there they will help you with the paperwork you require, i lived there and did not need a Visa, but i had to apply for an FM2 or FM3, the FM3 is if you want to work so when you get to Mexico apply for one, they will tell you what your require, if you do go, make sure you take translated copies of you documents, Birth Certificate is very useful. Mexico is a cheap country to live but can be hard to find work at time, although the economy is not hit bad with the recession.

Which race/class should i be in PWI and y?

It all depends on what type of fighting you like. If you like magic or physical fighting, or like to fight up close or from afar. I say you should go onto the PWI site and look at allt he charicteristics and choose your own that fits best to what you like.

How Can I contribute best to my country?

I have completed B.E. from BESU,Shibpur,Howrah,West Bengal in CST department.I have got a chance to do job in CTS as well as study from IITKGP in CSE department.I decide do study as I like it more.I want to develop my country as much as possible such that problems of our country like poverty,unemployment,corruption,women freedom,BF..... are solved.I think this is possible by developing our country's education system and which is possible from a team of 100 dedicated youngsters. It is really painful,sad to heart to watch the bad,suffering condition of citizen of our country. My question is how is it possible?Above all I have to develop my family first.I really need a solution.Please help me as soon as possible.

Fable 3 - Can I marry Elliot after becoming Queen?

I'm playing Fable 3 through for the second time, this time as the princess. Last game I killed Elise but this game I spared Elliot, rescued him during "Kidnapped," and told him to leave his fiance. He's waiting for me outside the orphanage and I can propose now, but I'd rather wait until I'm Queen (gotta sow my wild oats, ya know.) I will have enough gold to save every citizen from the darkness, but I do plan to build the brothel. Will he still be there? I've heard there's glitches too that might make him disappear. Please and thanks!

I am a Nepalese citizen. Can I open a business in India?

Hyundai car company is from Korea they are Koreans, why can't you.. Yours is small business theirs is big that's all.

The tribulation coming soon? Book of Revelations fulfilling prophecy? The end?

My dad isn't a christian but yesterday he was talking about all of these things happenings ie: earthquakes powerful, tornadoes in the weirdest places, birds dieing, worms dieing. And when he was talking about that I immediately thought the book of Revelations in the bible it says that famine, world peace, earth phenominas (pains of the earth like the earthquakes). I think wow, after that conversation about all of this happening ivwent to the bathroom and cried a little just thinking I dont want it happening in my life time I want kids a family I wanna do stuff I wanna grow old. I also find it weird maybe it's me putting so much into it but I find it odd that Sony pictures PS3, cox cable television (the national outage), and televisions networks have had technical issues. When I was younger i was probably one of the few Christians that was true a Christian I read the bible all the time but I had a special interest with the book of revelations. I have literally read that exact book about 8 times, (I'm 16 years old) but the last 3 years I have really fallen away. I wanna become a true Christian but I just don't know what's in my heart. When I was younger I would want the rapture to happen just to see if i was a true Christian but now I don't want any of it to happen. Is there anything within the last 1000 years that this Same exact thing has happened just so I know it might not be a sign of the end. Like things in history where Stuff like this happened and people felt like the end would be in their time but in wasn't? I am a skeptical person to all the 2012 crap, but the book of revelations and the bible I believe truly.

Help with qeustions relating to TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD ASAP!?

Hahahahahahaha there are 9 essay questions and 18 other questions. Nobody's going to do them for you. Please proceed to your nearest library and borrow a copy of the book!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Joint custody with someone in another country?

If a child has parent in the USA and one in Europe and the mom and child go there and the child is a citizen of both countries. And they both have joint custody can the parent from Europe keep the child there since the child is a citizen there also? What are ways the parent in the USA can protect the child from the parent in Europe from keeping the child in Europe?

What is Aquatica (Orlando, Fl) Like?

I am thinking about going to a water park for a trip and i want to know what people think about it. Was it fun? What age groups do you think would like it? And is it for thrill seekers, if not than do you know any other waterparks in orlando that are for thrill seekers? (besides wet n wild)

Does anyone here agree with me?

Yes. Parties should be abolished. You'd be amazed how many people adhere to a faction, even when the faction starts behaving like the opposition did in the past.

Does God let anything happen that isn't part of His plan?

I asked my religion teacher this question, and she said yes, but that his overarching plan of good triumphing over evil will always happen, regardless of our sins. I have a hard time accepting this. He has a plan for each of us, but since he is timeless, then wouldn't he know exactly what was going to happen? Original sin was NOT part of his plan, but it happened anyway, and every single human being lives with that original sin. Thus, our personal plans for salvation are based on that original sin, as well as Jesus coming to Earth! How could God's plan for salvation include Jesus coming to save us if original sin wasn't part of his plan, but that's exactly what Jesus came to free us from? Does he keep changing it constantly to fit with the happenings in the world, and if so, then some of his plans must contradict each other. He can't have a plan for no sin and then a plan to save us from sin at the same time, since he is timeless and can see all of existence in one moment. Can someone please clear this up for me?

My friend is an attention seeker?

my friend says she has depression, when she has NOTHING to be depressed about, literally nothing. she has family who love her, friends who love her, a good life with nothing wrong. she claws chunks out of her own arm when shes "depressed" and rolls her sleeves up so that everyone can see it and makes a whole show out of it. when i ask her what exactly she has to be depressed about she says she's depressed because her pets are dead and have been dead for 4 years (yeah she still cries about her dead goldfish) and that she was bullied in school but we're not even in school now we're in college. everyones bullied but you just get over it. now she has scars all over her arms it's revolting. i also wonder if she has something wrong with her as she says that a shark.. a lion.. a tiger, etc won't kill you and that they love humans. wtf? and she spent 4 hours crying because she saw a pigeon die and says that if she had the choice between saving a person and a pigeon from being hit by a car she'd save the pigeon.

What do you think of my ghost story?

I like that, Its a very good start and you should finish it. Though I do not recommend anyone using the ouija board, its ok to write about and possibly even come up with a frightening story of what could happen if someone does. Good luck.

Depression 14 Girl.... VERY LONG, PLEASE READ THOUGH?

hi lv, don t doll ,dint t think like that ,my gran also killed herself and it hurt so bad , she missed out on loads now , all her grandchildren and great grand children , she would have loved it , but she killed a self when a was 12 and am now 44 , the people you leave behind hurt so much doll , a still cry over her and miss her so much , she would have made such a deference family's lives had she not done that, so you so young ,you need to be strong and see your self in a diff rent way , a have daughters 13 and 14 and it would kill me to think they would not come to me when they feel so down ,a would do any thing to help them , not be mad at them, try talking to your mam on her own right time not when she is shouting when she clam , please don t do that ,for all the right reasons people love you ,things do get hard when you grow up ,but take one thing at a time ,and a day at a time ,so what if you don t get good grades , a no loads who have and who have nt ,and they all have jobs some don t but most of the ones did nt do well have jobs , so don t stress over exams ,a was crap at school and now a run a livery yard with horses , just be you don t stress over things like them ,

Racism = Nationalism when in White countries?

Europeans asked for it. Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners and Latin Americans did not asked to get colonized. So when they finally got there independence in the 20th century they wanted to build their own countries for themselves, while European countries were independent for hundreds of years (I'm talking about how the people did not get colonized, since some European countries didn't even exist in the time of the colonies).

Why do these people complain when they weren't invited?

After watching BBC's 'Breaking into Britain' last night once again the BBC showed 'asylum' seekers as the innocent party. I felt sorry for the Greeks having to put up with all the illegals that flood every available park and street all trying to get to Britain. Everyone of them had a sob story on how hard it was and how hard the Greeks were on them. They chose to get to Greece illegally and are free to leave for home at any time. So how exactly is it the Greeks fault they might get a bit of abuse? do they expect everyone to welcome them with open arms?

Do i need the father's permission to change my baby's name?

we are not married. child is 3 months old. father has never been to US and is not US citizen. his name is on birth certificate

Will i still get paid my job seekers allowence while on holiday in uk?

On sunday i am going away for a week in the uk ( a holiday that was booked before becoming unemployed). I have filled in a holiday form as monday 11th is usually the day i sign on. And i have made an appointment to see my advisor the day after i return home on the 18th. I was wondering though when i will recieve my payment for that fortnight. will i get it a few days after i would have signed on (between 14th-15th july) or will it be after i have seen my advisor when i have returned from my holiday. Its important i know as i need to sort my finances out for the week.

I'm I entitled to Job Seekers Allowance?

You contact them and say you want to make a new claim for Job seeker's allowance. They'll make you an appointment to apply for it for about two or three weeks later, then you have to wait while your claim is assessed. You're checked and have to provide evidence of job searching on a fortnightly basis and are sent on obligatory courses in jobs skills etc. If you can find any job you'd be better off doing that while you're looking for a better one, even a supermarket.,

Is this an ok beginning to my first chapter?

The plot seems very cliche. There's almost no explanation whatsoever at the beginning. You use too many adverbs, have lots of grammar mistakes and your sentences seem choppy. Not very good, sorry.

Why do you deny God if there is evidence all around you?

The Book of Revelation (not "Revelations") is like the prophecies of Nostradamus: you can twist it to fit whatever you want to believe.

Shouldn't belief in a god automatically disqualify you from public office, since you're less intelligent than?

So you want to disenfranchise people because of their religion? Everyone should have the right to be represented by a candidate of their choosing. I don't care if he is brilliant, stupid, or even lies about his sex life. If the voters choose him, and he can find the Capitol building, IMHO he is qualified.

Are there any books that talk about ancient Rome/Greece's day to day happenings for people, especially slaves?

I should like to know about the day to day stuff for all the classes of people, slaves, free men, magistrate, normal families, kings/queens/monarchy etc but mostly slaves, if that's available. I don't want a massive hardback history book full of pictures. I'd like one I can read day to day. I've looked on Amazon but there are so many I have no idea where to start.

Am I eligable to recieve job seekers allowance?

You are ELIGIBLE to claim JSA from the day after the official end date of your college course - providing that your mother is no longer in receipt of Child Benefit. Child Benefit may still be in payment treated as being in payment until the end of the summer term. You should contact the Jobcentre.

Am I a U.S. citizen? If so, how do I go about getting the Documentation I need?

Ok, so I'm 17 years old, I came to the U.S. from Canada when I was four years old, with my Naturalized American mother, I read recently that the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 granted derivative citizenship to the minor children in the legal custody of U.S. citizens., I researched it and was told that I should apply for a passport to prove it, which I did...and I received a letter from he Passport office in South Carolina to my home in Georgia saying that I needed to send in a "Certificate of Citizenship" within 90 days, I don't know how to go through with this complicated process. I don't have this certificate, all these forms are very expensive, and I want to understand what it is that I need to do, because if I'm supposedly a citizen, then why all this trouble??! What do I do, anybody understand my situation that can help? I really am wanting to get my citizenship..and a job, and my permit/license. By the way, the passport office has kept my original birth certificate and has not sent it back. what do I need to do to get the documentation I need?

What are the advantages of housing asylum seekers overseas and not in australia?

such as Malaysia and can some one explain what is exactly happening with the asylums and where the opposition stands in this?/?

Can I marry my fiance then apply for her green card?

I am a US citizen and my Fiance is from Canada, I was wondering if we could get our marriage license get married then file for her US residency papers or do we have to do everything first? any info will help.

Can anyone recommend a good anime for me to watch?

you should watch Shugo Chara it's like a magical girl with romance, and comedy anime, also Inuyasha, Tsubasa Chronicles, Clannad, Special A, and Fruits Basket.

My computer is having problems?

A couple days ago I noticed that my desktop computer strangely lost its internet connection. I have a wireless netgear router hooked up to it. The lights on the router were all on except for the ethernet cable that connected it to the computer. After a little bit of playing detective, I realized that the ethernet "port" (I think is what it is called) was not working. I tried a couple ethernet cords I knew worked and plugged both ends of the cord into the router. This made the lights come on again. I had a usb wifi adapter in my basement that I hooked up for internet access. About the same time, my sound went out. I don't have speakers because it was playing out of my monitor. Now I am starting to wonder if these two happenings are connected. I have tried quite a few solutions I found online like changing things in the control panel but to no avail. Any one have suggestions?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What if tax brackets worked this way why can't the rich pay 70% on the first few 000 dollars too flat rate p?

It is not about if they have the money or they can afford to pay more, its about right and wrong, and making a person that has made a success of their lives pay for those that have not is wrong. What's wrong with EVERYONE paying a small flat rate. I'd like ot be able to go on line and search income of the US and give figures of how a flat rate would be a benefit over this progressive tax we have now, you know simple math, x-number of people making x-number of dollars equals x- number of dollars income tax verses what we have today, but amazingly you google that and it is not findable (though I suspect somewhere in the million plus hits that information is available but it ain't in the first 1000, do you wonder why?)

Why i have no talents?

Try to help others whether in aiding their success or brightening people's lives. You say you're not good at anything, but do you have something that you really want to do? Passion will take you past failure and plain talent can only take you so far without passion. Think about that. Maybe you are just trying random activities without considering what your interests are. You say that you are fearful to attend social gatherings. That could be a part of your problem. You need to try and don't give in because in the end, (with possible ridicules) you pursue your dream for you. Good luck buddy.

What do I say to her? Please help?

I've been having some odd experiences around my house lately. It's been making me really depressed and keeping me from getting sleep. I would like to point out: I've been to a doctor and no I'm not insane, nor do I do drugs or drink or anything of the sort. I am perfectly healthy. However, three years ago my mother passed away from cancer and it had a big impact on me and my family. I'm not sure what this is, you can call it a spirit, ghost, angel, whatever. But, just the other day my cousin and I were talking on Facebook at 3 in the morning. We were saying we both couldn't sleep. Then the conversation somehow got into me having nightmares and ghost related happenings, and we were talking about what a ghost truly is. Then she said if I need help I can always call her because she helps people with this stuff. I want to call her, but I don't know what to say. I can't articulate when I'm on the phone with people/in person, this stuff is a sensitive topic to me. What should I say? I want to talk to her.

Politics: Are national (federal) and state ("local") governments too centralized?

We all know that a world-government will not be possible without a dictatorship, and that the bigger and more centralized a government becomes, the worse it gets for the citizens. But, is a national (federal) and state ("local") governments too centralized, which allows for corruption to become rampant and widespread? Do governments and people only thrive under city municipalities, where the government is more transparent to the people and can deal with their needs much better than a state or federal government can?

Will an examination test for pregnancy?

Yes most likely you will be tested for pregnancy. And if the appointment is to put you on birth control it's a 100% guarantee you will be tested for pregnancy, they won't put you on any kind of birth control while pregnant because of the risk of birth defects to the child. Good Luck to you!~

What are some 'easter eggs' in mystery seeker?

exactly what it says. i know the ones like typing in the name of the site or poop or hello. i mean others. fyi an easter egg in mystery seeker is like some thing that triggers an automated response like typing in poop will get a ' mystery seeker is not a toilet!" or whatever. thanks.

Would you be mad about this?

Today, my mom told me that she read my phone. She had no provocation to read my phone. I don't do drugs, have no "shady" friends, haven't changed my behavior (aside from the usual teenage girl mood swings, but I can't help those), had amazing grades in school, am a good citizen, healthy and active. I happened to leave my phone lying on the couch, and I fell asleep in my room (I had a nasty case of the flu :/) She told me today that yesterday, while I was taking my nap, she decided to "play" with my phone. My dad has the exact same phone as me. He was awake and home and not using his phone at the time. (I know this because he was working in his workshop all day and ignores his phone when he's in his "Zone"). My mother then preceded to read all my text messages. I happened to have some very old ones saved, from a few months ago. I had forgotten that they were saved in my inbox still. My mother says she was just playing, and "happened to somehow end up in [my] inbox." These messages were at the very bottom of my inbox and obviously weren't easy to find, considering I, the user (owner?) of the phone, had forgotten about them. The messages had no name on them, just a number. This is because I had deleted the contact from my phone. It was the number of my former best guy friend/on-off-on-off crush, whom I'll call "Kevin." They were of him begging, pleading, bargaining, threatening, cajoling, and eventually receiving, a topless picture of myself. I regret it immensely, and it has taken me a lot to get past my guilt and what I did, not to mention several weeks tips in expensive chocolate-therapy, chick-flicks, and sleepovers with my besties. I learned my lesson, and will never do it again. I know for a fact the pictures are no longer on "Kevin's" phone, and were not sent to anyone or stored anywhere by him. I had a fairly close relationship with my mom, but I had not told her about my picture fiasco. She figured out what happened by the saved and forgotten messages. She then confronted me. I told her the truth, and that I had learned my lesson, and will never do it again. But, she kept trying to pursue an issue that I have worked hard to bury from my mind. I didn't want to talk about it. I know why I did it, and so does God, and thats fine with me. I didn't want to dredge up all the regrets and memories that came with the long talk she was hoping for. She decided it would then be a good idea to remind me of it all day, after I made it clear I didn't want to be reminded of it, and then make "jokes" about me and my body that were hurtful. I am very angry that she looked through my phone, then wouldn't let an issue die that should be long dead and buried. Would you be mad? I'm livid. She does pay for my phone, even though I've offered many times to pay for it, so I know she technically has the right to look through it. But she should've asked me, not snooped while I was sick and asleep, and then lied about her intents. I would've taught her about my phone if she honestly want to learn about it. Why couldn't she leave alone the picture thing, even after I made it clear I didn't want to be reminded of that, and that I had delt with it? Can I ever trust her again? Because I have no trust in her right now. I feel very violated. She said she want us to have "an open, honest, close, sharing, trusting relationship." But that should mean she doesn't read through my phone while I'm gone and respects my feelings, right? Thanks for your opinions. I kind of just needed to vent a bit, but I want to hear what you have to say. Sorry it's so long, but I wanted you to understand the story.

If my mom became a US citizen before I turned 21 does it grant me an automatic greencard?

No, she can petition for it. See this: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Happenings at the alter?

I go to the alter and when I'm prayed for, i shake violently. But when I am alone, It's almost like I am in a trance, everything is still and tranquil around me. Is this the Holy Spirit?

If I killed an Illegal Immigrant, how can I get into trouble?

If i shoot a beaner in the face, how can i get into trouble with the law if he's not a legal citizen?

Can Anyone Else Figure Her Out?

So this girl is throwing me mixed signals...I think. She's my best friends little sister (I'm a junior in high school, she's in 8th grade) When I hangout with my friend she ususlly keeps her distance, but sometimes she'll hang out with us. When she does she sits relatively close to me and often talks to me (directly to me, not her brother) about humorous happenings at school or between her friends. Other times she completely ignores me or at least avoids me. Does she like me? How do I respond to that?

Why cant Xehanort(Ansem,Seeker of darkness) and Xemnas cant use the Keyblade.?

Think about it Master Xehanort and Terra both can use the keyblade an they fuse....why cant their other persons use it?

Does this book sound interesting?

I'm writing a sort of biography type book.I'm doing it because it feels kind of good to get it out, sort of like a diary but directed at a reader and generalized happenings, not day-by-day who-said-what-when. The main idea is how I went from growing up in an Adventist Christian home and community to being 21 years old and in my 3rd year of a relationship with my lesbian girlfriend. Included will be main things in my life that have pushed me certain directions and the full story between my girlfriend and I, which might I tell you is VERY interesting (little glimpse: she lived 2000 miles away from me, we met online, my mom called cops twice, we totalled my girls car, mom told me I have tumor....etc.). So....sound any good? Would you read it? Why?

My ex-boyfriend hates me. He's now with his own gf that broke up with him. Wth?

Just recently I broke up with my boyfriend. In the happenings he was like I don't care and all this shiz. Now he's back with his old girlfriend which doesn't bother me at all, but he just won't talk to me! Yah I know I broke his heart and I felt so sad before but my old old ex still talked to me and we became friends! I really miss you, Tyler.

I want to marry a legal mexcian citizen. Is there a period of time she has to remain in the US?

Onnce we are married I know we have to apply for a visa form 130. I just want to see if there are any restrictions for her to remain in the country. I want to know if she can travel outside the country with me.

(Magic: The Gathering) How Can I Improve This Red/White Deck?

It really isnt a good deck for a few reasons, 1. it really doesnt have enough lands, 24 would be a better amount. 2. 2 of each card is NOT going to cut it. 3. Most of the cards are pretty bad.

Do i have a ghost in my house or am I just thinking it from coincidental actions?

I believe you. I don't know if it's paranormal or not for sure, but judging by the dream, it's the guy from the dream. You have nothing to be afraid of though. In fact, fear is the only thing you should be afraid of because it is actually a spirit's only hold on us. Fear, anger, lust. Things like that. Just remember he can't do anything you don't let him. Let him know he isn't welcome, if he isn't. Speak aloud in a stern, but calm voice and tell him you don't him in your house or in your thoughts. If you believe in Jesus or angels ask them for help or support to give you more confidence.

Do you have any American first name that go with last name is Nguyen?

Any Cute And Meaning Name? ;) Im 14 yrs old and just wants to know a name so I could change my name when I pass my US Citizen Test.

Should i spk to my friendds about the fact that i self harm ??? or hm i dunno .( help ? )?

okay well first i would just like to say sorry for all the wrong spellings nd stuff ( because i know that anoies some people :P ) and well basicly i have bn self harming for about 2 years or somthing like that and im around my friends alot so they have managed to figer out that i self harm but theyv never told me that they know about it and i know that they were spking about it behind my back to my sister ( then my sister told me ) should i spk to them about it or wait untill they bring it up ? ( if they ever do ) but i wouldnt know what to say and i cant stand being with my freinds now because i just always have the horrible thought that they know in the back of my head and i just feel like im anoing them and im anoing myself . once agein relly sorry about the spelling and bad grammer im kinda sleepy . sorry if iv waisted ur time :S oh and a reson why i havent spoken to them about it is my bestfriend bleives that all people who self harm or have mental ilnesses are just atention seekers so shed probs ignore me if i did properly tell her .what should i do ?

A question on past ouija board use?

I have just moved into a house where somebody used an ouija board in the past. It was still in the house until recently when I removed it. Last night my electric fire alarms started going off randomly, although there was no fire. A clothes rail also fell over a couple of weeks ago in the night. It tipped over onto its front. Im beginning to freak out a little, could the ouija have anything to do with these happenings?

Charged with ABH and GBH S18?

for the second part of your question, i would tell the police what you know that you believe that he did not injure his mother, she self inflicted it, and see if the neighbour would be prepared to back up your statement, yes he should be charged and punished for what he did.

My bottom row of icons moves up one row whenever I extend my desktop. How can I get my bottom row back?

None of the MVPs from Microsoft's support forum could help me. At any rate, I am running Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2, and my display drivers are up-to-date. The problem only occurs when I extend my desktop to a monitor on the left side of my pc. I cannot move the icons back to the bottom row except on my second monitor and in the very bottom right of my main monitor. Weird happenings...I know, but thanks for any help you can give.

My friends 16 year old daughter went to Mexico to visit her dad and now she is very ill and in a coma.?

The mother does not have the funds to get to Mexico and she is at all loss on how she could get her daughter back to the states. There has to be something or someone that can help her! It has been 3 days now that her daughter has been in this coma!! Her daughter is a US citizen and her dad to whom she is with in mexico is not even on her birth certificate.

GH: What do you think about this?

At this point it really doesn't matter....what does matter is getting back on track....before this soap gets was a little to if we could get the soaps back that we lost...someone would be a real hero.

I think I know why the Chinese government doesn't allow internet access for Chinese citizens?

Because all of the single, lonely, desperate, Chinese guys don't want to see the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of White man/Asian woman p0rn videos.

Oh dear, here goes Britain again. No money to help it's own, but.....?

The very reccesion we are in is all constructed by governments to keep us from reaching the top rung... coz all of a sudden we will be out of it and rinky dinky do!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Job seeker looking for a different kind of job.?

I need your suggestions people! I have experience in factory work, merchandising, being a quick lube guy, I've had enough of these kind of jobs, im looking for something simple it pays good. College is out of the question, i dont have income right now.

How long would Lindsay Lohan be in jail for if she was NOT a celebrity?

certainly longer and wow @you additional details, really? i'm not a fan of mj or do i know anything about his life but for real dude, his aunt was a judge

Do you think Y!A is like a diary,which allows you to record everything that's going on in your mind?

Ten years later, you can return here and read through all the questions which you've asked and you'd know exactly the happenings in your life over those years.

Fake asylum seeker steals � 250,000 in benefits...How do asylum seekers have access to so much free money?

It isn't just the 'asylum' seekers on their own they have help from publicly funded human rights parasites who train them on how to milk the system.

Question for Islamic Miracle Seekers?

Every one of the so called scientific miracles in the Quran have been traced to Greek and Persian theories which were know by people of that period. Then again, most of those so called miracles has been disputed by modern science.

Girlfriend told she's not eligible for job seekers allowance, HELP?

even if she had paid enough contributions, she still wouldnt get it because you are working, if you live together then you are classed as a couple, if your wage is that bad then tax credits and rent/council tax allowance will top up your money

OCS? What is their training like? I cant swim, would i have a lot problems because of that?

OCS? What is their training like? I cant swim, would i have a lot problems because of that? I still have an accent, would that make it hard for me? and what is life as an Army Office like? I am very excited of taking the exam to the officer exam, this is my last year of college. I am also very happy because I will finally become a US citizen, I have to many reasons to thank this country! Please answer sincerely. Thank you.

Can you see how gay marriage could be abused to allow tax credits or invite foreigners into America?

First of all, Lever, it's probably harder than you think to bring a foreign citizen to the United States for the purpose of marriage; and second, why should you care who marries who for whatever reason?

How do I get rid of the "POP-UPS" of on Yahoo when I answer my E-Mails?

I have pop-ups that show up when I answer my E-Mails and I am tired of it. I don't see an "Unsubscribe" at the bottom to click on to get rid of this annoyance as I am not looking for any dating service or anyone to date now or ever. I am a senior citizen and need to know how to get this stopped now!!!!!!

I think I am possessed by a demon or haunted by something........? I am 100% for real?

I am a regular guy I go to work and come home. I have had some messed up things happen to me recently. Lights coming on. doors slamming, weird dreams and also bad happenings with people around me! I feel like something is watching me, I see things at night, I feel different during different times of the day and I black out every once in awhile not from drinkin or drugs. ( i do drink but not to black out mood ) I am scared for my life and for my kids does anyone have any answer I am dead serious about this I went to google and got a whole bunch of bullshit and want to see if anyone has anything to say or is anyone is going thru what i am going thru.,

American Government Survey?

Whats 5 things that you have learned over the years about how laws are made, how officials are influenced by Interest Groups, and how you as a citizen can influence government ?

Can You Go to college right after highschool from the U.S to london or is it more to that?

I want to go to college in london but i dont have money to afford it so how will i be able to go to college there if im not a citizen? Im really confused need help thanks!

How do you know God wasn't created by the devil in order to trick you?

Amazing! Why don't u use the same brains in doing something productive instead of making up such brilliant assumptions and stories...U made me laugh anyways! lolz!

Would the dollar be worthless if the US default on debt?

If the US isn't honouring its debt it guaranteed, why would they honour it to anybody including own citizens.

Why do so many Moslems go on a rampage when they are angry with the US ?

I have often seen on the news Moslem's going on a rampage,burning effigies of those they hate when they are offended, this I can understand,but what strikes me as nuts is that they often damage properties in their own countries and hurt their fellow citizens [e.g] car bombs. Cant they see the damage is being done to themselves and their actions are self destructive?

Nationality change please help?

I'm British and sick to death of being treated like a third class citizen and the rights of illegal imigrants and asylum seekers being put before my own. I am not allowed to publicly advertise my faith which in point of fact is the founding faith of this country (christianity) I want to move to America and be rid of a country that is racist against my white skin and discriminates against indigenous white British citizens and discards my rights........I do not consider myself to be racists and have family members that are of African CARIBIAN decent.

F. Scott Fitzgerald events?

What are some major events/happenings/situations in F. Scott Fitzgerald's life that can be compared with events in his novel The Great Gatsby?

How To Become a U.K. Citizen?

speak to an embassy being from the us we would proberly let you in if you had a reason to be here lke study or work you would have to go speak to somone with more knowledge though and they can explain the steps you need to take

Bad Spirit In My Home?

I will make this short so as not to bore you. Yes, you do have an evil entity in your home. You brought this on through the opening of a portal. Vain incantations and smudgings will not work. This is a demon that must be consigned - the correct way. Swrong mentioned above that demons can fool you. Remember they can disguise themselves as anything, either pleasing or terrifying. This will only get worse. When it gets its way, it will damage your relationships, your finances, your life, and finally your soul. It will take anything along with has nothing but time. Please consider what you are doing.

What really happened i the spiderwick chronicles and is magic really out there?

I have had some crazy experiences in life enough to know crazy stuff like this could happen but literally fairy's and goblins and ogres exetera. Does anybody out there experience happenings like this. Can anybody share what they know or experiences they may have had with me please?

News site to keep updated with world news? I don't watch tv.. i need sources?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you think the information about my sign is correct?

Yeah i agree well not with the appearence because i doubt astrology has anything to with genetics but anyway i know a lot of cancers and they fit that and BQ: capricorn or another water sign is a good match

Best buy application ?

Call up best buy and ask about it. Either someone is using your information to apply for a job at best buy or it is just spam

Why Do I Want To Become A Teacher ?

someone cannot tell you why YOU want to become a teacher. why do you want to be a teacher? just be honest. i'm assuming you like to work with children?

Didn't Sen. Dick Durban take a pledge to uphold the constitution?

Under the Constitution the federal government has the power to regulate immigration. As an elected member of the federal government, he's not violating anything.

May 21st Prophecy?Should I be worried?

Is the May 21st prediction that Harold Camping true or is he just a false prophet?I am a Christian but I always thought that no one knew the time nor hour of the Rapture.Why is every one else freaking out about this?I keep seeing these real time updates about earthquakes that are occurring now in various places like California and Nevada but they are not of great magnitude.Are these signs or are these regular happenings?

Is it abnormal to be proud of the accomplishments of the (former) British empire?

I'm English and I am fully aware of the outrageous happenings under the rule of the British in the majority if not all of our former colonies....but would it be considered odd and well,misanthropic if you like to be proud of the success of the empire etc;?.

Can I get a French or German Passport without Parent Consent at 16?

I moved to the U.S. when I was ten years old to go live with my mom. Since then my passport as expired. I would now like to study abroad but need to get a new passport without loosing my existing French-German Citizenship. Therefore I cannot become a U.S. citizen and would need a french or german passport, but my mom would be the only one able to sign the passport, as my dad will not sign it. Is there anyway to get it with only one parent, or no parents at all at 16 years old?

Visting in the US and getting married and staying?

You are confusing your wants and needs to our immigration policies It really not a matter of ''Hey I married now can I stay?'' as you state there are hundreds of thousands who want to came and live in America it taking a long time to process them Sorry I stopped telling people in Asia how long I have lived there as if you are not married have lived in the home country for over a year and have not sponsor anyone for five years you are like gold I was offered more than once to ''marry'' one of their daughters and they would pay me $20,000 US and it only takes weeks not close to a year to get them in

Monday, August 8, 2011

How can I marry a corporation?

Much attention has been brought to the Citizens United case ruling where corporations, etc. have the same rights as human citizens because of the recent formation of Stephen Colbert's Super PAC. This made me wonder, who would need to sign the papers to form a marriage/civil union between me and a corporation? Would someone need to sign on behalf of the company, since they cannot make the decision on their own? If corporations have the rights of people, shouldn't they have the right to marry as well?

I got sacked when i was 12 weeks pregnant can i get any sort or maternity pay?

im 24 weeks pregnant and on job seekers i have found it realyy hard to find a job , as my employer sacked me when he found out i was expecting as i had only been there 5months

May 21st Prophecy?Should I be worried?

Is the May 21st prediction that Harold Camping true or is he just a false prophet?I am a Christian but I always thought that no one knew the time nor hour of the Rapture.Why is every one else freaking out about this?I keep seeing these real time updates about earthquakes that are occurring now in various places like California and Nevada but they are not of great magnitude.Are these signs or are these regular happenings?It's not 6PM in any country is it yet?I checked the world clock and it said nothing about it being 6PM in any country yet or anything.

Is Mr. Barack Obama aware of what is going on in his administration?

Okay let us face it! A Mr. Axelrod keep on sending me communication about what the White House of how it is beautifully run and if I have some comments to make. the First Lady Muichelle also sent me some ways I can contribute something for the improvement of children's education or something. Do you think I have the nerve to help them out of what they are asking? If the White House have ignored my plea for intervention on what happened to my family after the Township of Belleville, New Jersey have violated my civil rights and got no answer from them, then, why would I even bother to answer them. I have requested them to delete me from their list, nothing happens. Imagine telling me I have been invited to a dinner with the President, is this not an insult, being ignored but then they strive to get my attention to them? HuH! Let someone get the Attention of Mr. Obama as to the needs of his fellow citizens first before Mr. Obama can solicit favors from us poor defenseless victims of corruption, okday?

I met a woman on line 4months ago.We fell in love thru type am I crazy for thinking this is real?

She seems to be real and I asked several times. we talk at least once everyday.We share daily quirks of the happenings.Am I a fool for this?

English Summary Writing !!!! Please Help!!!!!?

World travel is a lot easier now, than in the past, therefore boosting international trade. People from all over the world are brought together via radio and television, and a great number of people are interested in learning a second language. Lastly, mass media has given us access to information that we, otherwise, would not be privy to.

Someone give me advice before he leaves!! please!!?

okay so im in love with this guy. i realize it this year after three years of knowing him. lets call the guy i love blue. so me and blue first met two years ago in a class we had together. we instantly clicked. we became friends right away. later on we started to become close and close. we would always make each other smile,laugh,and we never had a bad time like we never argued and ****. so then about 3 or 2 months before school was going to end, our teacher switches everyones seat including ours. he sat in one side of the room while i sat on the other side. we were far away from each other. we couldnt talk. i would just try and make him jealous. we still did talk but when we lined up in front of the door. the next day of the teacher had switched our seats. everyone went back to their own seat because they didnt want to move. he said oh wait, this is forever? and looked at me and smiled and i smiled back.we did still talk. over the summer we didnt talk at all. we came back from summer break and we didnt say hi or anything. we just looked at each other most of the time but never spoke. i did get over him but i would always get feelings back whenever i saw him and i would get nervous to mess up around him. we still did look at each other. then summer came again and we went back again. i liked another guy until december i liked blue again. my friends told me to talk to him so i did. at school it seemed really awkward. we didnt talk just looked at each other. i still liked him but we started playing this" game" where we would look at each other, he would walk really close to me, brush his body against mine and etc. we did that until the end of march. in february the day after valentines day he seemed really depressed. he wouldnt do anything just sit and look at me. my friend told me he was looking at me the whole time with a deep thought expression. he also sighed sadly layed on the floor said hi to her and sat back up. he also was still looking at me and sighed sadly again and ran his fingers thru his hair frustrated. i was worried and wanted to ask whats wrong but i didnt. we kept doing that "game" until the end of march. i started getting over him because i was tired of waiting for him to come around and talk to me. a girl i knew came to me and asked how was he because i told her i liked blue. i told her oh i got over him and i told her who i liked. one of his friends was in front of me and her and he was hearing our conversation. the day after that i stopped paying attention to blue. i started paying attention again in the middle of may. i saw he had changed a lot! before he was a quiet good boy. now hes an attention seeker and laughs at the littlest things from his friends. before he used to be with his friends from his country. now hes friends with people who are popular. he changed in a matter of weeks. lots of my friends said it was because he noticed i stopped paying attention and wanted my attention again and did that. im not sure about that but anyways i tried to talk to him again last month but he never answered the message i sent on fb. the next day he was looking at me a lot and started acting like himself again being quiet and was talking to his old friends again. he did this for a week. the next week he acted as the douchebag again which got me upset. i tried to ignore it but i couldnt. he would also still look at me even though he acted like a douchebag. he kept doing the same and tried to bump into me but never succeeded. on the day of the dance he was watching me dance with my friends. i would also get upset because he was dancing with other girls or grinding with them but he would look at me for like two minutes. when i would be dancing with my friends and him sitting he would look at me longer. on the day of graduation he was looking at me too. on the last day of school he seemed quiet. in a class together he had his head down and was looking in my direction. he wasnt loud. or laughing at small things. he was just talking for a few minutes then put his head down looking in my direction. in another one, i was upset because of him he was staring in my direction when he was talking to his friend. i was hearing music and i looked upset. even when he was in a group his body was always in my direction and i guess he would glance at me a few times. after class he was usually loud and yelling. after class he was walking slow and was quiet and was looking behind him. that is the whole story between me and him. what should i do? did he ever get over me? also hes moving next week to another country. i am friends with him on facebook. also i cant tell him face to face because school is over and i dont see him anymore.

My wee seven year old girl has been diagnosed with leukaemia?

and my partner and I have recently separated, we also have a four year old wee girl. Since the diagnosis, I have had to give up work in order to either stay with my seven year old in hospital when she receives chemo/needs treatment for infections, or stay at home to look after my 4 year old. My ex gets DLA, Mobility Allowance (I drive us to the hospital) and large amounts of cash from various cancer charities whilst I only get Job Seekers Allowance. I have written to these charities asking for some financial help but have not even had an acknowledgement of my emails. I am now in a position where I cannot help my children due to severe financial difficulties. Does anyone know how I can get help in order to help my children? I am male.

What are some of the theories as to why there is religion in societies and how would they explain?

This is my theory. Religion in this day and age is a product of the human mind no doubt. There is sufficient scientific evidence that disproves and debunks even the most popular religions such as christianity. The reason theists so strongly believe in their gods or godesses' is from a weakness or ignorance towards true understanding. It also provides the weak with a figure that effects them psychologicaly and provides them with enough artificial mental stimulation to cary on through difficult times. IE when the going gets tough one simply prays to their god and suddenly they "know" that the powers at be will take care of them, giving them the attitude to move forward. I believe religion trully is a tool, or model, for modern societies to "direct" traffic and maintain a certain level of ignorance, while providing the elite with a convenient excuse to righteously persue any agenda. While this may seem far fetched their are plenty of examples wich if taken in the right context, with an open mind seem plausible.

What is the safety like for a single young female exploring southern Africa?

If youre blond, blue eyes and young you are at risk, don not go to poverty areas, there is a chance that you will be raped, because 90% of rapes go unpunished there, they would jump at the chance with a young blond, never travel alone.

How can I kill the killer in me? /chaotic mind and masochistic tendencies/?

Generally I m a very positive,open minded person.I love helping people,its makes me feel good. But lately I feel that many people just use me. I have become most of the time a serious,realistic-pesimistic.I recently found out that I have changed, I dont trust anybody,anybody at all,I doubt about everything whoever says or does.I also think about the past a lot,about the bad parts of it.I am 19 now and thorough my life I've always believed that you have to get through something to understand it and learn from it,thats why I think sometimes I have put myself in ugly scenes on purpose-to get a good lesson,I have created some bad memories that will always stay in my mind.Now I regret it,I sure learned a lot from my experience ,but the awful happenings go around in my head so often and they cause me some very bad mood ,sometimes I get edgy thoughts and I do ugly things,at times I get very depressive(cry all day long).I've become more sensitive than ever,the tiniest thing can make me cry or make my heart beat.Also-the constant blame.I blame myself for everything and take it very personal,then I hurt myself for punishment and after that I try my best to do my best so that everything with everyone is OK. But I recently found out that you cant please everyone and that makes me sad.It also makes me sad that I forgot about myself after trying to fulfill everyone else's desires.I have lost my peace of mind.How do I get it back ??How do I stop all the self-blaming?I just dont want to hurt myself again,because every time it becomes worse.I need to find another way to release this negative energy or a way to eliminate it,before it even got created. Please..

A sincere question. 10 points to the best answer. Can you offer advice?

Being a human, I do not perceive dark skinned people as n i g g e r s but I see several posts mostly by trolls where dark skinned people are referred to by the forbidden n word. Being an educated citizen, I was brought up to believe that you should not discriminate anyone on the basis of caste, creed or race but the n word has become so common that I am wondering whether its still considered as a racist word or whether its a socially acceptable way of greeting the dark skinned people. I hear so many people referring to themselves by that word that I stand confused on whether I can address them that way. Could you please enlighten me on the subject and express your views regaring the same?

What on earth has happenings?

Basicallyings I have had some troublings with my binns. I am from France, and I strugglings with English. Since I have movings to England, I have had trouble with my binns. The contents of My binns are being taken by strange menn on lorryings!

With a birth certificate can I get European citizenship?

Yes, but how old is he now? What years could "Jews" not get citizenship in "slovakia?"

Will agreeing to a short sale affect my ability to travel the world?

I am an american citizen. I own a house in Utah County. I am considering agreeing to a short sale so that I can go to school full time. I will finish my schooling in the next year or so and want to travel the world. Will my ability to enter countries like France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweeden, etc be affected by a short sale on my credit?

Does anybody believe in zodiac signs?

At first id didn't really pay any attention to this kind of stuff, but my friend made me look into it because she said she loved. So i look on there and everything was absolutely true. It even gave an explanation for the next day, and it was totally 100 percent correct. For those of you who don't know what it is, it explains your personality, love life, and future happenings all by when you were born. Like me i was born in August, so I'm a Virgo. So anyways, do you guys believe? And please no rude comments.

I need relationship advice, for a gay teen. It's kind of complicated.?

So I met this guy on facebook, he is 21, and I am 15. We're both gay, and he is from Egypt and I'm in the US. We are great friends, and I feel like I'm starting to fall for him. He is coming to the US in three years to become a citizen, and he will live only 25 minutes away from me. Do you think I should pursue a real relationship with him, or should I wait until I'm 18? Should we just be friends for now, and then try something more advanced when he's here?

Someone hear me out? please i need help before he leaves!?

okay so im in love with this guy. i realize it this year after three years of knowing him. lets call the guy i love blue. so me and blue first met two years ago in a class we had together. we instantly clicked. we became friends right away. later on we started to become close and close. we would always make each other smile,laugh,and we never had a bad time like we never argued and ****. so then about 3 or 2 months before school was going to end, our teacher switches everyones seat including ours. he sat in one side of the room while i sat on the other side. we were far away from each other. we couldnt talk. i would just try and make him jealous. we still did talk but when we lined up in front of the door. the next day of the teacher had switched our seats. everyone went back to their own seat because they didnt want to move. he said oh wait, this is forever? and looked at me and smiled and i smiled back.we did still talk. over the summer we didnt talk at all. we came back from summer break and we didnt say hi or anything. we just looked at each other most of the time but never spoke. i did get over him but i would always get feelings back whenever i saw him and i would get nervous to mess up around him. we still did look at each other. then summer came again and we went back again. i liked another guy until december i liked blue again. my friends told me to talk to him so i did. at school it seemed really awkward. we didnt talk just looked at each other. i still liked him but we started playing this" game" where we would look at each other, he would walk really close to me, brush his body against mine and etc. we did that until the end of march. in february the day after valentines day he seemed really depressed. he wouldnt do anything just sit and look at me. my friend told me he was looking at me the whole time with a deep thought expression. he also sighed sadly layed on the floor said hi to her and sat back up. he also was still looking at me and sighed sadly again and ran his fingers thru his hair frustrated. i was worried and wanted to ask whats wrong but i didnt. we kept doing that "game" until the end of march. i started getting over him because i was tired of waiting for him to come around and talk to me. a girl i knew came to me and asked how was he because i told her i liked blue. i told her oh i got over him and i told her who i liked. one of his friends was in front of me and her and he was hearing our conversation. the day after that i stopped paying attention to blue. i started paying attention again in the middle of may. i saw he had changed a lot! before he was a quiet good boy. now hes an attention seeker and laughs at the littlest things from his friends. before he used to be with his friends from his country. now hes friends with people who are popular. he changed in a matter of weeks. lots of my friends said it was because he noticed i stopped paying attention and wanted my attention again and did that. im not sure about that but anyways i tried to talk to him again last month but he never answered the message i sent on fb. the next day he was looking at me a lot and started acting like himself again being quiet and was talking to his old friends again. he did this for a week. the next week he acted as the douchebag again which got me upset. i tried to ignore it but i couldnt. he would also still look at me even though he acted like a douchebag. he kept doing the same and tried to bump into me but never succeeded. on the day of the dance he was watching me dance with my friends. i would also get upset because he was dancing with other girls or grinding with them but he would look at me for like two minutes. when i would be dancing with my friends and him sitting he would look at me longer. on the day of graduation he was looking at me too. on the last day of school he seemed quiet. in a class together he had his head down and was looking in my direction. he wasnt loud. or laughing at small things. he was just talking for a few minutes then put his head down looking in my direction. in another one, i was upset because of him he was staring in my direction when he was talking to his friend. i was hearing music and i looked upset. even when he was in a group his body was always in my direction and i guess he would glance at me a few times. after class he was usually loud and yelling. after class he was walking slow and was quiet and was looking behind him. that is the whole story between me and him. what should i do? did he ever get over me? also hes moving next week to another country. i am friends with him on facebook.

If you have been on job seekers and start a job do you fill in a P46 form?

If you have been on the dole (job seekers) and are starting a job do you hand in your P45 from the job centre or fill in a P46? Also what is a P46 used for? If the guy you will be working for gave me a P46.

What will it take for the USA citizen majority to understand Regime Govt & Capitalism is a lethal Kleptocracy?

Democracy is mob rule, and always fails. We don't need more laws, we need to follow the ones we have. Repeal the 17th Amendment, and bring back the Republic. Sovereignty is the foundation of freedom.

One parent working family. what are we entitled to? please help?

You might want to make an appointment with the Department of jobs. It sounds to me that you should be eligible for public assistance. Getting welfare is almost a given when you are a single mother with a child. You would get food stamps free or discounted medical care and public assistance to help you live on. Once you go back to school this could decrease a bit but only because you might be granted more financial aid and grants for school because of you current situation. I know its very difficult to decipher what they are talking about when you research online ( i swear they write in code) but if you get a case worker then you have someone who helps you understandall of the things and options you have.

Something spooky is going on?

Maybe…you should try evps on this or better yet put a camera when sleeping like in paranormal activities and see what you get man

Please could you explain this decision to me, I am currently living in temporally council accommodation?

It basically means that the council has judged that it needn't assume responsibility for finding new housing for you, as you should be capable of doing so yourself.

Am i seriously ill ? ( Strange bowl happenings)?

As Samantha said, Go to the doctor! You know this isn't normal, lots of blood in your stool is not okay, so stop putting this off and get yourself to your GP for a Gastroenterology consult for goodness sake!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why is my GF doing this to me, does she really love me?

There is no reason for that type of drama. But if every thing that she is doing to u worth it. There r two sides to every story so i can only tell u about urs. U can not play that game with someone who hangs up on u, if she knows right from wrong then she needs help, there r some issues she needs to work out. Because if all of her other relationships were good, then why did they breakup. Think about that, U know what makes u happy, stop being cotrolled an find someone that treats u as an equal anthe way u want to be treated. A person will only do things like this if u allow them to. Because she is treating u like a child an not a man, I know u luv her but i think she is using u to make her self feel better, Good Luck

Wanting to get hurt, is it normal?

I don't know. Sometimes I just want/hope to get hurt. Like getting hit by a car or something like that. Or wanting or hoping that I get some disorder or sickness. I don't really consider myself to be an attention-seeker though. And I know how bad it is to get hit by a car or get some sickness but.. Ah, I don't know. So, uh, is it normal?

Should i become a film director/writer?

If you love the job, you can try to be a a film writer or director. And from your words, I think you wanna supports. Then ,dont afraid, just do it!!!

Do Conservatives find something wrong with the fact that prisoners get free health care, but not citizens?

Prisoners also get free food, free heat in the winter, and a free bed to sleep in every night. This is why Jesse Jackson famously said that, for many ghetto youths, jail is a step up. Personally, I liked the old approach where youthful miscreants were given a chance to join the army as an alternative to jail time. Older convicts spent the day on road gangs to earn their "benefits." If they tried to run away from the road gang, a dude standing guard would shoot them in the back with a rifle. Imagine the job satisfaction there!

A question about going to university?

Right, im 25 and have been unemployed since august 2010. I have a son of 6 months and a partner. Currently we live inside a council accommodation that is covered by housing benefit (please don't judge, for 3 months prior to my partner falling pregnant she went to college and worked part time as a housekeeper in medway hospital) as we are currently on a joint claim of job seekers allowance. I have just signed up for evening classes to obtain g.c.s.e's but wish to go to university to either study law or media as i have a keen interest and a amount of knowledge about both subjects, plus a career in either will help support my family and I. I would like to know how the finances side of going to university works out? I have checked the website and followed links but it wasnt very clear. Firstly would I need a certain amount of money to go or will a student loan help with the costs? Is there any websites that have more information? Thank you all for your help.

My great-grandfather was the son of a spanish citizen in a spanish colony- was he a spanish citizen too?

Whatever nations soil your born on is the country of your citezenshp this includes colonys and army bases if it is deemed as that nations soil then you are born to that nation hope this helps

May 21st Prophecy?Should I be worried?

Is the May 21st prediction that Harold Camping true or is he just a false prophet?I am a Christian but I always thought that no one knew the time nor hour of the Rapture.Why is every one else freaking out about this?I keep seeing these real time updates about earthquakes that are occurring now in various places like California and Nevada but they are not of great magnitude.Are these signs or are these regular happenings?It's not 6PM in any country is it yet?I checked the world clock and it said nothing about it being 6PM in any country yet or anything.

Is a national or state government too centralized?

We all know that a world-government will not be possible without a dictatorship, and that the bigger and more centralized a government becomes, the worse it gets for the citizens. But, is a national (federal) and state ("local") governments too centralized, which allows for corruption to become rampant and widespread? Do governments and people only thrive under city municipalities, where the government is more transparent to the people and can deal with their needs much better than a state or federal government can?

I get stuck in a third world country, How to get out of it? Help me god damn it!?

Take a bus close to the border. Walk out across the fields. Cross where there are no check points. Hang out in the hostals with the back packers. Get a job at a hostal. I see it all of the time.

A question on past ouija board use?

I have just moved into a house where somebody used an ouija board in the past. It was still in the house until recently when I removed it. Last night my electric fire alarms started going off randomly, although there was no fire. A clothes rail also fell over a couple of weeks ago in the night. It tipped over onto its front. Im beginning to freak out a little, could the ouija have anything to do with these happenings?

Am I eligible for Job Seekers Allowance?

I would think NO and I would think that if you worked more hours it would probably infringe terms of the student visa you're obviously on.

Why do christians consider Islam to be evil?

I don't. I consider fanaticism to be evil, regardless of what religion it's coming from. Like Christianity, people can do evil things while hiding behind it, but the actual religion itself is practiced by many people of peace and good will. I have Muslim friends, attend many interfaith events with Muslims, have interviewed Muslims, and attended lectures by Muslim speakers, and there's been no problem for me, personally.

UNLV ARMY ROTC questions, please help!?

okay so ive recently changed my dream of wanting to go to westpoin r another academy to going my love university, UNLV in vegas here. i did so because i want to enjoy life while im in college while doing all i can to increase my dream to become a US Army Ranger and also so me and my girlfriend can get married and have a house instead of being away form eachother for 4 years. any one know about UNLV Army ROTC? and is there a decent chance of getting a scholorship from their army rotc if i have avery steady 3.3 gpa play football nad varsity wrestling, citizen and am, very physically fit. and one more thing is there anyway for me to go to ranger school while there? after airbourne or something? i heard its one of the best in the west coast and i want an engineering major, does UNLV offer this? any other info on the ROTC or college itself would be GREATLY appreciated:) thanks

Discomfort Downstairs. MD help?

I have had some strange happenings downstairs, enough to cause me to set up a doctors appointment. But the appointment isn't until next week. I am very concerned and would like immediate help. If you are experienced or an MD, please message me and I can go into further detail. Any help much appreciated. thank you

Why am I such an attention seeker?

I have been slashing my wrists and legs for a while now although I keep them covered at all times... however I have been thinking about cutting all my fingers off lately and the thoughts are coming on strong I have had the knife on top of my fingers quite a lot and contemplating doing it. How do I stop?

Why is it hiding from you?

Why do people consider themselves 'seekers of god'? Is it skulking around hiding somewhere? Or are these seekers just not looking very hard?

Im 11 am I Depressed?

Your eleven, boys are stupid. Be smart and dont get caught up in that drama. You get hurt for nothing. What makes your self esteem low? Change what you do, and become confident in yourself like your probably beautiful and smart. Sickness is part of life that is just a rough time. Youll get through it.(.

How to get revenge on this backstabbing jerk?

So I broke up with this girl in January and we're really good friends now. We have best friend bracelets and text every day. She started going out with this guy who was my best friend. He became a real jerk and doesn't let anyone near her. He's always calling me gay or a homo, even though I'm not. Long story short, he's not my best friend now and I need some really good revenge for all of his bad actions. He's even slapped/hit me. I can't do anything too grand because school's just been let out for summer but I need something that'll put him in his place. He also swears at me quite frequently. Just to describe him, he has short brown hair, an ugly face (kind of droopy?) and he's fat. Not bellyflab fat but he is quite plump. I've already put his phone number and email into Mystery Seeker. Please help me!

Sure Start Maternity Grant?

I know you can only claim the Sure Start Maternity Grant one off 500 pounds if you are on job seekers, income support ect on the date you claim for the grant. But will it make a difference to whether or not you can claim it if you done 2 months part time work (only 1, 2 or 3 days a week, each week varies) 3 or 4 months before the date you claim? As you are still on job seekers on the date you are claiming, you haven't worked for 3/4 months and before the 2 months temp work you were also on job seekers. 1 or 2 days work a week is no more money than job seekers anyway! Does anybody know or been in this situation before?

Should countries be allowed to refuse aslylum seekers from countries they are at war with?

it would be risky for the USA to take people from iraq, afghanistan and pakistan if they have current military action against those countries

May 21st Prophecy?Should I be worried?

Is the May 21st prediction that Harold Camping true or is he just a false prophet?I am a Christian but I always thought that no one knew the time nor hour of the Rapture.Why is every one else freaking out about this?I keep seeing these real time updates about earthquakes that are occurring now in various places like California and Nevada but they are not of great magnitude.Are these signs or are these regular happenings?It's not 6PM in any country is it yet?I checked the world clock and it said nothing about it being 6PM in any country yet or anything.

May 21st Prophecy?Should I be worried?

Is the May 21st prediction that Harold Camping true or is he just a false prophet?I am a Christian but I always thought that no one knew the time nor hour of the Rapture.Why is every one else freaking out about this?I keep seeing these real time updates about earthquakes that are occurring now in various places like California and Nevada but they are not of great magnitude.Are these signs or are these regular happenings?It's not 6PM in any country is it yet?I checked the world clock and it said nothing about it being 6PM in any country yet or anything.

I'm looking for a great name for a newsletter for a place called 'Arab Street'?

Its a newsletter on the current happenings on Arab Street, property listings, local businesses, and interviews with the locals. Any great suggestions?

Where can i get a loan unemployed?

I need a fast loan by this month or july and i'm currently on job seekers allowance, and i can't apply for a budgeting loan cause you have to be signed on for 26 weeks and i only signed on today as i lost my job recently, banks require you to have a good income so do you know anywhere where i could get a loan fast? i'm 20 and live with my parents

Is it legal/allowed for my school to take action on happenings on FaceBook?

Both parties are wrong I'd say. Shouldn't be making things like that so open. I've heard that colleges and some jobs look at sites like facebook to see what you are like. And think of it as, say someone in your family got murdered. Someone close to the killer puts on facebook, my cousin blasted some dude up. Then others said something like "they got him good!" Wouldn't that make you mad? Sure its no where near as serious as your situation, but the point is that people protect whoever they're close with. And then again its stupid of the school to do that. Its like, get a life, or something like that. Just don't mess up school over something like that.

How do you make a mission for mystery seeker and put it on mystery seeker?

I was on MLIA and a ton of people had posts about giving people missions on mystery seeker. How do you do that!

Girls, if you saw a guy wearing suit-and-tie all the time, would you consider it a turn-off or a turn-on?

I mean, do you think he looks like an "attention seeker", or would you consider him a a guy who has a high sense of "respect" towards people?

Entry-Level Flight Attendant Job Seeker? - some of my friends used this site to find entry level part-time jobs in restaurants and department stores.

How far can being mean really go?

My sister Gabrielle hates my friend Julianna SO much. Everytime she comes over, Gaby picks on her, insults her, and makes her want to go home. I hate it! But now, I think she's gone too far. The first of the bad happenings started when Julianna dropped off a form that she made for people in our neighborhood, explaining how she would love to babysit for those who went away. Gaby was with us and spoke directly to me, even though Julianna was right there. she had said "Why should we hire her? She can't even take care of her own skin!" and i thought Julianna was going to cry. Also, Gabrielle blackmailed Julianna and ruined her school year, as well as any future school years. I feel like I can't have any friends because of my stupid sister. Is this all going too far? How to stop it?

Why is Yahoo! not doing anything about this problem?

There simply are not enough staff members to effectively address the situation. Therefore, the site is 'community moderated', which means that each user must report abuse as they see it. If they are too busy promoted their own agendas to bother reporting, the result is what you see. Basically, we are left to police our own messes - and most folks don't bother.

What are interesting happenings for my book?

I am writing a book called 'Smile Summer'. Its about an orphan who gets put in a foster home of a wealthy family with a famous dancer as a son. But he doesn't actually like his life and she conviences him to runaway with her. Soon enough the boy's parents have police chasing them and they end up falling in love. But...I need a big happening for my book. Like a problem , like all books have. Ideas please? :) thanks.

Do Korean citizens need visas before booking a flight to the US?

Hey, I'm a Korean citizen living in Korea. My visa is scheduled for next week but I'd like to book flights earlier. Do I need a visa to book a flight to the US?

Under 21 drink on U.S. tour to another country?

I am a U.S. citizen 18 years old on a tour from the U.S. to Italy. The Italian drinking age is 16 years old. I am under the age in the U.S. and I am on a tour, but I am in a different country. Can I drink?

I would just like to know if we could qualify for Council accommodation?

Hi there, I live in a completley different country so I wont be able to tell you. but the only real way for you to find out is to go and fill out the forms and see. you wont know until you try. goodluck

What Should I do?? Girlfriend issues.?

wow this is cop|icated we|| it seems she dint rea||y want a re|ationship so to make her fee| reashure that ur not mad at her or anything |ike that te|| her u enjoyed the time u guys were together and that you wou|d |ove to try it again but she can take her time dont say it causa|y because she wi|| think shes just a piece of meet to you do it |oven|y..

Deferred adjudication and moving from the u.s. to canada?

2 or 3 yrs ago I got involved in some trouble. I had 80 hrs of community service(completed) and 18 months probation(only about 5 months left). Once my probation period is over, will I be able to leave the united states and move to Alberta/Calgary since my record will only show my arrest? Will it be any harder for me to enter Canada than any other citizen with no arrest record? This is the only mark on my record except for the occasional speeding ticket. I'm going there to work as a cosmetologist if that makes any difference.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Paranormal Happenings?

this is my advice and I know non believers will thumb me down, but I don't care. Here is my advice, tell your boyfriend that he should try to communicate with the spirit or spirits. This is safe to do so don't worry. If he really just wants it to stop then he and his family need to sit down and basically tell the spirit to leave because they don't want it there.

What if tax brackets worked this way why can't the rich pay 70% on the first few 000 dollars too flat rate p?

The Income Tax cannot be fixed in an equitable manner, because it is not administered in a way that it is written. Income is not defined in the code, but has been by court cases. If these were adhered to, then people would not pay the tax on their labor. The rich would pay tax on all money made off of their gains and investments which is as it should be. The tax was meant to be a tax on wealth and not a tax on labor. Labor is man's property and should not be taxed and is very finite.Some people get the withholding tax mixed up with the income tax when discussing it.

Can regular civilians in Canada bear arms?

Can a regular Canadian citizen (someone who doesn't work for law enforecement or the military) own guns, and how many guns, and what types of guns (pistols, shotguns, rifles, etc)?

Its this movie when you man.seeks to reunite all the elements. and the elements are people who actuallykarate?

The main character the seeker is dressed in all white everything and the elements are different races of people. I think I saw it on TNT when I was a little boy. So it was from the 90's. They all used there elements to defeat this one guy ar the end.

Anyone know any scary movies?

im looking for scary movies with ghost/paranormal happenings/and super natural forces, could you plz give me a list of scary movies u know? just english ones plz, maybe even sum new ones...

A brief summary of aliens, paranormal activity and odd happenings?

Could someone inform me of some stories, websites and stuff etc about weird happenings, especially alien **** like roswell.

Would it be hard for me if I go to the States and try to find a job, a good one?

I'm from Mexico. I have a bachelor's degree in finance. I'm also thinking of getting a master's degree. I'd like to go there and start a brand new life by my own. Obviously, I do not want to work at Mc Donald's (which is not bad) but do you think I could find a job in something related to the finance field. Or just the fact that I am not US citizen would be already a problem? Hope you can help, do not be rude in your answers. Thank you guys.


If you move out, where will you go? Why do you live with your aunt and uncle? Do you have anywhere else to go? Your aunt's behavior is unconscionable. U need to tell someone you can trust.. THere is a possibility you won't be believed if you tell your uncle....but not really sure. Talk to your aunt. Tell her how you feel. And most importantly, you don't HAVE TO PUT UP WITH THAT.

If you don't have health insurance and you need to get surgery, what can you do?

My father in law is not a permanent resident or citizen of the US. He is currently dealing with immigration issues and needs to get surgery. He doesn't have money or health insurance - he's barely getting by. What can he do to get medical attention without the costs?

Can I get a visa on arrival in Singapore if arriving by train from Malaysia?

I am a UK citizen. I know I can get a visa on arrival in Singapore but is this just at the airport or can I get it at the train station if I come that way from Kuala Lumpur?

Has anyone actually been near Poveglia island in Italy?

Has anyone actually got proper proof for all the happenings at this island? Has anyone actually passed close enough to the island to feel any auras? personally i don't believe in ghosts or anything and i am a atheist but i do wonder if people do just make such things up for publicity or it really does scare people to death. Does anyone KNOW anyone who ever visited it? even though it is closed to the public and tourists now, surely some people know someone who managed to go there before it was closed off? and what they thought of it?

How soon can I start getting job seekers allowance?

My hours have been cut in half at work so I've handed in my notice for two weeks time. When can I go to job seekers and sort it out?

What do you make of these happenings?

I personally thought that all those happenings are pretty cool. =) I'm not sure if that means she'll be contacting you though... But hey! Everyone believes in different things.

Don understand God's ways.. Why are all bad people happy?

Excellent question I must say. I have also asked this same question and I got this wonderful answer. Jesus said that we should watch,be aware, be vigilant; just as in the days of noah they were eating and drinking & being MERRY and they were all swept away. The evil doers appear to be having good times but it is like watching a heroine addict get his fix;he appears elated but he is self destructing. Be wise and choose not their ways, there is a way that seems right to mankind but that way is death.

I'm being abused by my boyfriend and mother at the same time?

I lived with him and he threw me out after a few months of tension arguing and passive aggressive behavior. My only option was to go back to my mother's house. One night we were fighting and before he knew it he had his hands around my neck choking me (he was angry because I was out with my best friend and he thought I was with other men and accused me of clubbing and drinking at noon). It never got explained, he just promised he would never do it again. The first time I tried to end it with him he turned into a scary pile of tears. He has also threatened suicide following many arguments. He recently forgot my birthday and when I confronted him at which point I had gotten drunk and hysterical, he called 911 on me to "get me a cab" and had me arrested for domestic assault and battery. I now have a criminal record, when I never so much as have gotten a parking citation. In police custody I sustained some serious injuries because of my state, I was completely blacked out and tried to climb up on the sink in my cell and fell on my face. I have to lie to my mother, friends and family to maintain this secret, because they are not capable of emotionally supporting me. My mother is quite unstable and I cannot trust her enough to share simple day-to day happenings without her becoming angry, hysterical and enraged. Even though I am in graduate school, my mother constantly undermines my education and intelligence, whereas it seems like this is exactly what intimidates my boyfriend. He is only educated up to the High School level. My life seems to be falling apart so rapidly. My boyfriend or whatever he is is so engrossed in "his guilt" about what happened to me its like he wont let me heal, and expects me to be there for him instead of the other way around. He says he just wanted to get me home safely, I think he wanted to see me punished because he felt like I was "out of control" for being upset that he forgot my birthday. What do I do? I feel so damned in every direction..

What is the most interesting or memorable happening you've experienced in your life? till today?

I have a lot of good ones, but the first thing I think of is this one camping trip where I knew I was probably never going to see a good friend of mine again, and so we ran around for hours with wooden swords, fighting monsters until long after it was too dark to see. (we were 16 and 18)

Crisis loan problems? PLEASE HELP!?

Mike, get yourself along to your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau and an adviser will help you get this resolved.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Citizen's Bank Hiring and Interview Process?

I recently applied to become a personal banker at citizen's bank. I had the phone interview, which went well. I then met with the hiring branch manager who thought I was great for the position. Literally right after that interview I followed her to the other branch down the street and met with the regional manager. I was advised she makes the final say. I come to realize her step-son went to the same school as I and it just seemed to be a very easy going interview. Lot of laughing; telling me about the job and so forth. Based on my credentials I believe I am more then qualified I feel. She ended the interview with the fact, we still need to go have a few more interviews and we will have our decision by Tuesday of this upcoming week. Just wanted some input on what you think. I really need this job....

Can you believe in God but not Christ?

If you believe in God and not Jesus, then I highly recommend you consider looking into Judaism instead of Christianity considering the entire basis of Christianity is believing in Jesus as God's son dying for your sins.

Can I cash a personal check at Wal-Mart?

I have a checking account at First Citizen's bank in Columbia, SC. I'm about to go on a mountain trip with some friends and need to pull out some cash. However, it's a holiday weekend, so my bank is closed. Will I be able to write a check to myself and cash it at WalMart?

If i will get a discount on a college course cos on job seekers can I enroll without paying?

I am supposed to enroll on a course at a reduced rate cos I am on job seekers, am I allowed to just enroll then pay the money later? I ask this cos I want to enroll on my last day of job seekers then start work the next day. Can you enroll and pay a small amount then pay the rest later at the reduced rate. Can you also pull out of the course before paying the second payment?

Could this be a dating SCAM in the US? Please Help?

In March I met a african guy at my University. Before he said anything to me he just stared, and finally asked my name and how were my classes. At the time I were taking a math class that was extremely difficult because I didn't have a calculator. He initally offered me his. We talked about 30 minutes and it was time for my class to start so he asked for my #, after me telling him that he could email when and where to pick up the calculator. He began texting me and it was all irrelevant to the calculator he said I could bother, so I began to like him considering he was handsome and sweet. He textd everyday. He called everyday. He even began to say he was my boyfriend. So he left for Accra at the end of the semester for his sister wedding and was supposed to come back to the US in Sep but came in June. Not even a whole month he was there. His facebook page had pictures of him and another girl, he said that was in the wedding. I believed that. I posted a <3 on his facebook wall and he said his sister removed it and he blocked his wall so you couldnt write anymore. I found all of this to be suspicious of him having a girlfriend. So I recently went to visit him at his apt, he lives with a female roommate and when she saw me she was like "oh this your new girlfriend?" I felt some kind of way but I just chilled...He has been telling me things about GHANA weddings and how they pay so much $ to marry thier wives. How he would name the kids if we had any ....just basically imposing his culture on me. I called him from my home phone and now when he can't reach me on my cell he calls my parents house....ugh! don't get me wrong he's really sweet. Have never asked for anything, just becoming woresome and he claims he works 12hrs a day a place but never told me the name. Im trying to decided if I want to continue talking to him. He says his parents have been here for 20 years and he is a citizen??? Also if I have a child by him the child would have to go back there once they start walking. He claims we can make this work and seems to be in such a HURRY. HELP PLEASE AND THANKS! AM I GETTING SCAMED IN THE US?

Why the deal with Tauruses?

I love Tauruses and respect them, they're some down to earth qms sweet people... But they are some attention seekers and so sensitive. I know a Taurus is suppose to be honest but I don't see it. When they do something wrong to someone, they get angry at that person for no reason. My ex cheated and I had to confront her instead of her telling me the truth. Ran off and then acted all non-chalant and expect me to accept it like no big deal. So I left and ignored her. I thought it won't be a big deal since she cheated but she indirectly Insults me and taunts me. I ignore her but it's been months. She then have the nerve to say I was a hater and I lost blah blah. Just make jokes, taunts, and stalks me (little birdie let me know). She doesn't care about me and I'm moving on and avoiding her but It's like she wants to piss me off and I don't know why. I never been a bad GF, stay loyal and everything. I don't understand this at all? Help?

How to avoid going back before the completion of the green card process due to expiration of visitor visa?

I am trying to apply for the green card for my parents as parents of a citizen. My parents are in US in visitor visa and it expires in four months. I believe it takes 5-6 months to process for the green card. I wanted to ask do they have to go back if their visa expires before the process is completed? Is there a way to avoid that? I have heard we can extend the visa but it is not reliable? Is there any other way? Please help!

What do the Krishan (and other more ancient myths) and jesus myth have in common?

First brought up in the 19th century, then dismissed but it's Back! As seen in the movie Di Vinci Code. Just another plot by Satan to put doubt into the weak-minded.

May 21st Prophecy?Should I be worried?

Is the May 21st prediction that Harold Camping true or is he just a false prophet?I am a Christian but I always thought that no one knew the time nor hour of the Rapture.Why is every one else freaking out about this?I keep seeing these real time updates about earthquakes that are occurring now in various places like California and Nevada but they are not of great magnitude.Are these signs or are these regular happenings?It's not 6PM in any country is it yet?I checked the world clock and it said nothing about it being 6PM in any country yet or anything.

What the heck is wrong with me and these strainge happenings? ?

Okay so I'm 14. My eyes are black as night. And I am some what over weight (fat not muscle) and I can run faster than any one in my gym class. We ran the mile Friday and I ran it in 6:32. Other than that I heal crazy fast. I can wal in the woods get a scratch and bleed and the next day it won't even have a scab. I'll have a scar where the scratch was. And the scar stay there. My parents think I cut myself cuz I have so many scars from being in the woods. Also my body is always cold my blood temp runs at about 79.9 I can remember any conversation I've ever had or heard. When ever there's a thunderstorm I get full of energy. I always say things at the same time as others or just before. I can know what's on tv befor I turn it on. (last night I was thinking about the movie water world. [I love that move] and the tv was on but I just started looking threw the guid and I saw water world on). I can deal when my friends in pain even when were no where near each other. I have memories of when I was an infant (my mom was telling her friend about hiking up a hill/ mountain thing with me in a baby back pack weeks after I was born and I said was that when we lived in that apartment that looked over the ocean with cliffs going down to tue beach and she was like omg I can't believe you remember that.) in school I know what the teacher is about to teach befor they teach it.... What's up with this...

Help with Logic Philosophy?

A full consignment has already been sent. There are about seven helpers with all the required material. They will reach you soon. Pl. don't worry.

My friend kissed me and i kissed him back hes a guy and im a guy what now?

It all started at the pool me and him were always trying to hold each others hands when no one was looking.then at his b-day we were laying in bed holding hands then one day we were playing hide and seek it was mine and his turn to hide so we hided in a building and stat one of the stairs and we both were creeping are hands closer together then we began to hold hands a few min after wards we began to huge and few Min's after that we started kissing. I dint know what to think now its Been awkward around him lately im not she if hes gay or not i really dint know how to confront him at all we have never talked about it since the last time we met and that was when we were playing hide and seek but we were the seekers this time and we went to look in a building and we kissed again but this time after we kissed he said he would like to start over with this friend ship then he lean forward and kissed me again we haven't spoke of it since i didn't now what to do now im lost i like him now i want to keep seeing him

How might I go about hiring a couple dozen seagulls to fly around and crap on people I don't like?

I'm assuming the seagulls around here are all citizens or legally able to work in the US, but if they're not can I pay them a lot less than I would be expected to pay American seagulls?

When can I start housing benefits?

You will qualify for nothing once you leave your job so you had better start looking for another one asap.You have to be sacked/made redundant to qualify for any benefits,you do not get them if you give notice and leave .If you are sacked because you made yourself unemployable you will get nothing either so don't think you can be another drain on an already overstretched and abused benefit system.

Question for Islamic Miracle Seekers?

What they really mean is that the Quran contains explanations that might be thought provoking on a science fiction program. It's not like the Quaran contained Newton's Laws of Motion centuries before the fact or something. That would provide way too compelling of proof that God exists and will send you to an eternity of torture for not believing in his existence.

I see that some trainers have lv. 60 or so pokemon. How do I get those with the vs. Seeker in Platinum?

I was looking at trainer rematches and some have lv. 60 pokemon. What event do I need to do so that the trainers have lv. 60 pokemon? (this is in platinum). I use the vs. seeker and one hiker has 2 steelix but the guide says he has camerupt and donphan and steelix. help!

What's a good place / website to catch up on the latest happenings with LGBT news in politics, or in general?

LGBT got Sweden to force churches to marry gays. Really though just google up lgbt and you'll see tons of blogs and news sites yammering about it. LGBT has been making huge moves politically and has alot of people angry because of illegal circumvention of the voting process.