Friday, August 5, 2011

Why the deal with Tauruses?

I love Tauruses and respect them, they're some down to earth qms sweet people... But they are some attention seekers and so sensitive. I know a Taurus is suppose to be honest but I don't see it. When they do something wrong to someone, they get angry at that person for no reason. My ex cheated and I had to confront her instead of her telling me the truth. Ran off and then acted all non-chalant and expect me to accept it like no big deal. So I left and ignored her. I thought it won't be a big deal since she cheated but she indirectly Insults me and taunts me. I ignore her but it's been months. She then have the nerve to say I was a hater and I lost blah blah. Just make jokes, taunts, and stalks me (little birdie let me know). She doesn't care about me and I'm moving on and avoiding her but It's like she wants to piss me off and I don't know why. I never been a bad GF, stay loyal and everything. I don't understand this at all? Help?

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