Thursday, August 11, 2011

Depression 14 Girl.... VERY LONG, PLEASE READ THOUGH?

hi lv, don t doll ,dint t think like that ,my gran also killed herself and it hurt so bad , she missed out on loads now , all her grandchildren and great grand children , she would have loved it , but she killed a self when a was 12 and am now 44 , the people you leave behind hurt so much doll , a still cry over her and miss her so much , she would have made such a deference family's lives had she not done that, so you so young ,you need to be strong and see your self in a diff rent way , a have daughters 13 and 14 and it would kill me to think they would not come to me when they feel so down ,a would do any thing to help them , not be mad at them, try talking to your mam on her own right time not when she is shouting when she clam , please don t do that ,for all the right reasons people love you ,things do get hard when you grow up ,but take one thing at a time ,and a day at a time ,so what if you don t get good grades , a no loads who have and who have nt ,and they all have jobs some don t but most of the ones did nt do well have jobs , so don t stress over exams ,a was crap at school and now a run a livery yard with horses , just be you don t stress over things like them ,

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